Over 80% of pets over 3 years of age have some form of dental disease!
It is extremely important to maintain good dental hygiene and health in our pets. Healthy teeth will make for a healthy pet. Long term dental disease can be potentially devastating to the health of internal organs such as the kidneys and heart, and can cause low grade chronic pain in our pets which will mean less than optimal quality of life and potentially a shortened life span. Animals with dental health problems will also often be suffering with the dreaded “bad breath” which can often cause a rift between pets and their owners. Over 80% of pets suffer from periodontal disease; don’t let yours become one of the statistics!
At Veterinary Happiness we have a state-of -the-art dental suite including an ultrasonic descaler, polisher and digital dental radiography.
Our Veterinarians are kept up to date with the latest techniques in dentistry through attending Continuing Education seminars and workshops. Our nurses can also give you some great advice as to what is available in the way of dental disease prevention products and home care management strategies.
If you have any concerns about the possibility of dental disease in your pet, please contact us to arrange an assessment where we can give you the best advice on what is required to get you enjoying your puppy or kitten kisses again!
All Dental checks are FREE.
Remember most pets will still eat even with a painful mouth.