Dr Deborah Webb

B.Vet.Med, M.A.C.V.Sc.

Deborah was brought up in picturesque (and rainy!) Cornwall in the UK. She lived on acreage and bred dogs and goats. The family kept donkeys, calves, ducks and chickens. A Veterinarian was all she ever wanted to become from a very early age and knew that animals and their welfare was her absolute passion (she used to give all her pocket money to the RSPCA and do loads of fundraising).

Deborah qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London and worked as a large and small animal veterinarian in England for a few years before emigrating to Australia and working in purely small animal practice. Deborah established ‘Veterinary Happiness’ in 1998, with a vision to provide the most empathic, caring, kind and clinically excellent clinic for her patients and their owners.

In 1998 Deborah completed her ‘Membership of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists’ qualification in Small Animal Medicine, which is an advanced Post Graduate Qualification, indicating a high level of understanding and knowledge in ‘the diagnosis and treatment of illness’, in dogs and cats. Deborah maintains a commitment to continually updating her clinical knowledge.

Dr Deborah is available for consultation on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.